Acting as a world citizen

The societal pillar of our CSR roadmap is one of the fundamentals of Gattefossé's culture and is structured around two priority issues: ethical relationships with the various stakeholders in our value chain, and the civic engagement of the company and all its employees. This commitment is expressed through concrete corporate philanthropy actions in the service of the common good.

Our vision of philanthropy at Gattefossé

“Today more than ever, the company has a role to play in the communities around it. I believe in our strength, our generosity and I am convinced that we can all mobilize and contribute to the common good.”

Ségolène MOYRAND-GROS President of the Gattefossé Group

Environmental philanthropy

At Gattefossé, we act directly on the territories where we operate and where we source our raw materials. We financially support three actions that highlight the socio-environmental benefits of the forest.

Ecological reforestation

We are proud to be involved in the reforestation of the "Hauts-sous-le-Vent" Forest on the French Reunion Island with the « ONF-Agir pour la forêt » fund. This ecological reforestation will restore biodiversity, encourage the presence of bees and help raise awareness of forest conservation among young generation and their families.

1,040 endemic species of the island have been planted on a 1-hectare plot. The planting was carried out in February 2023 by the ONF (the French National Forestry Office) team and the children of the "Grande Ravine" school took over the next stage by planting 150 plants.

Reforestation and awareness

Since 2022, we have been participating in the ASD IMPACT FUND. This collective action, for the benefit of the Kaleka Mosaik initiative, allows to pool resources and collectively invest in on-the-ground projects that drive sustainable palm production in priority sourcing areas. This collective action aims to address sustainability risks in palm derivatives’ supply chains in the most direct way possible. The aim is to protect and restore landscapes, improve the lives of workers and communities, and meet the needs of smallholders for responsible practices. One year after its launch, the results are already real and visible in two of the largest palm-producing districts in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Ecological and social reforestation

Madagascar is a territory we know very well through the sourcing of some of our plants. However, this territory is suffering from a severe loss of biodiversity and soil erosion due to deforestation. Every year, 100,000 hectares of forest disappear. We need to act as quickly as possible. This is the primary objective of the OZ'Arbres association, which we have been supporting financially since 2020. Since its creation, the OZ'Arbres association has been able to produce over a million trees for endemic fauna and Malagasy communities, and to raise the awareness of more than 500 families and 1,000 children during numerous local planting days. The trees are chosen to meet local needs: ornamental plants to help reforest villages, fruit plants to generate additional income, endemic species to reforest threatened primary forests.

Gattefossé Foundation

Created in 2008, the Gattefossé Foundation pays tribute to one of the founders of the company, René-Maurice Gattefossé, a pioneer of modern aromatherapy using essential oils for medical applications in the early 20th century.

Our purpose

Today, at the heart of integrative medicine, the Foundation is committed to develop clinical aromatherapy to improve patient care. The Foundation encourages research in clinical aromatherapy, supports medical teams to integrate clinical aromatherapy into their practice, and values aromatherapists who have exemplary experience in patient care.

Thanks to the Foundation's actions, a growing number of French and international healthcare establishments are integrating aromatherapy into their various medical services.

Philanthropy and local solidarity initiatives

In France, a partnership has been in place since February 2020 with the Lyon-based collective "L'Entreprise des possibles", which works for the cause of the most vulnerable in Lyon and its metropolitan area. This partnership allows employees to participate in this cause by donating paid leave and taking part in volunteer actions in the field.

We also offer financial support for French associations (6 per year) in which employees are already volunteers.

All around the world, our affiliates help local communities and take actions for the environment, like with the renovation of a school in Tunisia and Indonesia, the distribution of meals for disadvantaged families in the USA, the donation of equipment for a flooded village in India and intimate hygiene kits for vulnerable women in Brazil, cleanup days in Canada, Germany & France…

In 2022, more than 17 local solidarity initiatives were carried out, demonstrating the strong commitment of Gattefossé and its employees all over the world.

Strong values in terms of ethics and respect

Gattefossé is a company made up of a multitude of communities around the world. Our activities have an influence and repercussions on our various ecosystems. It is our responsibility to guarantee respect for human rights by limiting as far as possible the negative impacts of our activities and relationships.

An ethics charter is available to all employees to help them develop their activities in line with the Group's ethical principles. It is accompanied by a confidential alert system "" available 24/7 to all our stakeholders to report any possible violation of this ethics charter.